Category: Rental Kart Operators
Mach1 in-house exhibition 2014
German kart manufacturer Hetschel – Mach1 Kart invites also in 2014 to their in-house exhibition at the company’s head quarters in Meimsheim. On three days, interested public can visit the exhibition of the actual Mach1 kart line, the cutting edge frame and spare part production as well as attending and discussing at interesting workshops (in German language)…
Mach1 Motorsport Calendar 2014
As in past years, we have published our huge year wall calendar for you. In addition, we have adapted the design and theme: The theme this year is our racing team “Mach1 Motorsport”, as a special bonus we already marked the most important race dates for you. To our in-house exhibition on 31st of January…
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year
We wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thank you for a great season 2012 and all the best for the upcoming season with Mach1 Kart Feel free to tag you and your friends on our facebook-card!
New Mach1 T-Shirt
The new Mach1 T-Shirts are available. There are following sizes: Ladies XS, S, M and men S, M, L, XL. The shirts have a 6-color print Mach1 logo on front and a 4-color print Mach1 kart on the back. Order directly at Mach1, your next Mach1 dealer or online at
Successful Home Exhibition for Mach1
Nearly 500 visitors from all around Europe found their way to the Hetschel company’s open house party in Brackenheim. Especially on Saturday the visiters crowded around the exhibits and parking space was nearly exhausted. The numerous customers were especially interested in our new Mach1 FIA9 2012 chassis as well as our big range of hobby…
Mach1 Kart is looking to the future with anticipation
We take this opportunity to say thank you for the good cooperation in 2011 and wish you a Merry Christmas and a successful 2012. We are back in office on Monday, January, 9th.
Mach1 Kart – Calendar and Exhibition Dates
We would like to welcome you at the International Karting Exhibition in Offenbach on January, 21./22. 2012 at the atrium (A2A booth 19) or at our yearly home exhibition at February, 4./5. 2012 in Meimsheim. Of course, you will get our big Mach1 calendar at this events as a present. If you want to take a previev, use following link: Mach1 Calendar 2012.pdf (1,2 MB)
Detailinformationen Mach1 RT2 Evo
Nach intensiver Entwicklungsarbeit mit unseren Kunden entstand das neue Indoor/Outdoor-Leihkarts RT2 Evo. Wie auch beim Vorgängermodell stehen Fahrverhalten und technische Detaillösungen und eine robuste und wartungsarme Konstruktion im Vordergrund. “Wir wollten auf jeden Fall ein Kart bauen, dass noch als Kart zu erkennen ist und sich auch ‘fast wie ein Rennkart’ fährt”, so Dr. Martin…